THE OPERA INDUSTRIAL is your one-stop feed aggregator for international opera news. Want to know what is happening in the opera news? We have designed this site to give you the most current coverage available. With live streaming feeds from some of the best opera news sources on the web, the Industrial is constantly being updated as news is made available.
The site is currently IN BETA PHASE and still needs your input. We strive to make this the most friendly 2.0, dare we say 3.0, environment possible. If you have a language, search, RSS or Blog that you would like to suggest, please let us know.
Because the pages here are all powered by RSS feeds with certain search parameters, occasionally there will be an article that will come up that has absolutely nothing to do with opera. If this happens please shrug your shoulders and look at something else. Until technology is at the state where it can perfectly read my brain and find only exactly what I want, please make some allowances.
-The Editor
Thomas Ryan Rhodes
#ClassicalDiscoveries: The Podcast. Episode 008 - Nino Rota: Beyond the
Welcome to #ClassicalDiscoveries. Here is a little introduction to who we
are and what we would like to achive at the first (or rather
"double-zeroëth" epi...
2 weeks ago